Pet Care

Declawing: What It Is and A.R.F.’s Stance
Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Hannah D. Anyone who has researched becoming a cat owner has likely come across the term “declawed” and wondered what exactly that meant. Declawing is amputating the last knuckle of a cat’s toes. In a human, declawing would be like cutting off the tips of all your fingers – painful, drastic, […]

Tips for Keeping Your Pets safe during the Holiday Season
Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Kate S. The holidays are an exciting time of family, friends, togetherness, and celebration. Unfortunately for our four-legged friends, the holidays can also bring unexpected health and safety risks. Here are some tips to keep your pets healthy and thriving through the new year! Tip #1: Institute a “no feeding the […]

Keeping Your Dogs Safe This Spooky Halloween
Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Kate S. We here at A.R.F. love the Halloween season—dressing up, carving pumpkins, and trick-or-treating. However, it’s important to keep our precious pups safe amidst the celebrations and revelry. Ensure your dog’s safety and health this spooky season by observing the following tips and tricks. Tip 1. Keep all candy out […]

Cats and Plants: Cohabitation
Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Hannah D. Curiosity, unfortunately, can kill the cat, if the human in the equation is not careful. Hopefully all cat owners are aware of how incredibly toxic lilies are to cats. The list of plants that do not mix well with cats is quite long, as demonstrated by these sites: ASPCA, […]

Preparing Your Dog for Winter
Written by A.R.F. Volunteer Shane C. Snow is falling as I write this and I have accepted winter is closing in. By the time you read this, the snow will have surely melted. Regardless, Mother Nature waits for no one and your dogs will still want to go on a walk rain or shine; or […]

Socializing Your Dog: Tips & Tricks
Everyone develops social skills at different rates. Dogs function the same way. They have their comforts, fears and behavioral tendencies when faced with a new experience. So, what is the best way to socialize your dog? The information below shows a few steps for dogs of all ages. The key to success in these steps […]

How to Keep Dogs Cool in the Summer
Summer is in full swing and there is nothing better than getting yourself outdoors with your furry best friend for a hike, run or dip in the water. But, with the recent spikes in temperatures caused by the heatwaves, it’s crucial to take care of yourself as well as your dog. Below are the most common […]

What to Expect When You Adopt a Kitten
You love kittens – you follow The Kitten Lady on Facebook, you watch all the Jackson Galaxy videos you can find on YouTube, and you’re finally ready to adopt a kitten of your very own! But what can you expect over the first few weeks, months, and years with your new furry best friend? Read […]

Straylight Savings Time – Check your pets’ microchips
Spring is here, time to spring our clocks forward, change out smoke detector batteries, and work on spring cleaning chores. But there’s one more thing pet owners should do every spring – make sure you pet’s microchip is registered and up-to-date! More than 10 millions of pets are lost or stolen every year, and 1/3 […]

How to Prep for Bringing Home a Rescue Dog
Adopting a rescue dog is a wonderful thing, but it certainly comes with its challenges. Neither the dog nor its new humans quite know what to expect from each other. Almost ten percent of adopted dogs get returned back to shelters, with a large percentage being returned within the first few months after adoption. The […]