Join A.R.F. at the Glen Ellyn Halloween Festival – October 26
Join A.R.F. as we get our treat on at the Glen Ellyn Halloween Festival on Saturday, October 26. Costume parade (pets and humans!) at 9:45, live entertainment, and a pet costume contest judged by our own A.R.F. volunteers (and trust us, we know good pet costumes!). Dogs available for adoption will be in attendance. Proceeds to benefit the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry.
The pet costume contest is at 12:20 on the main stage on Main Street. We’ll have prizes for first, second, and third places. Get your costumes ready!
Schedule for the day courtesy of the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce:
- 9:30 Gather for the Parade – Crescent/Glenwood parking lot – see below for a map.
- 9:45 am Parade marches!
- 10:00-1:00 pm Festival: Music, Live Entertainment, and Trick-or-Treating, Enjoy festival crafts and games!
Live Entertainment Schedule:
- 10:00 – Glenbard West Drumline
- 10:30 – DeForest Dance Academy
- 11:00 – Yong-In USA Martial Arts
- 11:30 – Moves Dance Studio
- 12:00 Golden eagles Cheerleaders
- 12:20 Doggie Costume Contest – Presented by A.R.F. – Animal Rescue Foundation